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What Not to Power-Wash

Seeing the results of freshly washed walks and siding may lead you to think that other surfaces and objects around your home can be safely cleaned with pressure- or power-washing. Don’t make that assumption. Here are five household surfaces and objects that should never be power-washed.

5 Surfaces and Objects Never to Power-Wash

1. Asphalt Roofing

Power-washing an asphalt roof can damage the granules on the shingles and ruin the integrity of the roof. Besides, it is exceptionally dangerous to stand on a ladder while using a powerful tool like a power-washer.

2. Gutters

Cleaning gutters that have become caked with dirt and leaves is best done by hand. Once leaves and debris are removed, you may gently rinse your gutters with a hose. The intensity of a power-washer will damage them.

3. Painted Surfaces

The force of power-washing can remove paint very easily. Consult with a professional power-washing service if you want to clean painted surfaces. They have the experience and expertise to do the job right

4. Outdoor Electronics

Don’t power-wash outdoor electronics like speaker systems or lights. This equipment is too delicate to be pressure-washed. Professional power-washing services, in fact, generally recommend that homeowners remove outdoor stick lights and other electrically powered fixtures from their premises before walkways or patios are power-washed

5. Cars

Don’t power-wash outdoor electronics.

Power-washing cars can dent them or chip off paint. Keep your vehicle clean by using buckets of water, sponges, and the hose, not a power-washer. 

For the best results and to avoid any damage to your property, always leave pressure- and power-washing to the experts. The team at Hot Shotz Mobile Power Wash in St. Charles, MO, has been dedicated to cleaning tough stains for over 30 years. For more information about this business and a $10-off coupon, visit their website, or call (636) 939-0600 to schedule a cleaning.

like speaker systems or lights. This equipment is too delicate to be pressure-washed. Professional power-washing services, in fact, generally recommend that homeowners remove outdoor stick lights and other electrically powered fixtures from their premises before walkways or patios are power-washed

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